Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Meeting Minutes - September 29 2010

Halloween Dance:

- food/drinks (stuco volunteering chips)
- decorations (made with supplies from the Art Room)
- playlist list on all homeroom doors - dj?
- tickets 100 ahead of time, at the dance 250 
- time = 7:30 to 9:30 (!!!!)

- bake sale: spirit points (at the end of the semester, ice cream party for most spirit points)
- by homeroom
- October 7th
- Prizes go for most money made and most goods brought in

StuCo Meeting Calendar


Day 1 - 8th period (8th grade PE)
Day 2 - 4th period
Day 3 -  1st period (6th grade PE)
Day 4 - 8th period